I Do… Do I?

I’m an awful decision maker. The deliberation over what to wear each day often results in my bedroom looking like a ransacked cloak room and I almost inevitably leave the house only half dressed, my keys forgotten under a mound of navy sweaters. When it comes to bigger life decisions I am no better. I once spent a fraught couple of weeks deliberating over what Year Ten elective to take. DRAMA.

But as I (we?) plunge into my 20s these decision are getting real very quickly. Only the other week a friend and I were having coffee when she mentioned someone she knew was getting married. MARRIED! A couple of days later someone else on Facebook was engaging in matrimony. White dress. Flowers. Confetti. Maybe some doves. The whole enchilada.

You can only imagine my distress.

For someone who errs on the side of anxiety when faced with differently coloured shirts the notion of life long commitment is enough to make me break out in a cold sweat. Don’t get me wrong; I love a good wedding as much as the next guy but I’m just no good at making that kind of decision. And I don’t think I’m the only one.

But is that a good or bad thing? What’s wrong with being flexible and hyper mobile when that’s what life today demands. Isn’t it great that most plans are hatched only a couple of hours before an event? Do we need to commit to anything more than a 24 month phone plan? Maybe I want to go on a last minute trip to the Maldives

I’m not advocating that we all go out and get married ( and if you are heading down that path please get in touch – a wedding ensemble can go wrong so quickly and I don’t want that for any of you beautiful people). No, not at all. But I do think that maybe the time has come for all of us to start committing slightly more – financially, socially, romantically or otherwise. It’s quite scary I think. But with fear comes a kind of emboldenment. An unapologetic-ness that makes you feel kind of great.

Goodness knows this isn’t going to happen overnight. I fully intend to deliberate at length over what outfit I’ll be sporting at brunch tomorrow morning. But I’m going to try and not sweat the small stuff so much… to own my choices…

Except the ones you make on a Sunday morning at 2 am. Those ones are best forgotten quickly and slushed down with a gallon of water.

Go forth and make those decisions. I think we’ll all feel better for it.



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